Through phenomenology, Schutz pointed out that meanings are produced and also sustained by individuals in the society. This was developed by Alfred Schutz, Peter Burger, and Luckmann. 2023 Driving was the only way back as planes were grounded in the wake of 9/11 in 2001. Just as grounded theory, phenomenology was able to influence a number of social sciences such as sociology, psychology, etc. In general terms, BioLogic instruments are grounded, which means that the ground of the channel board is directly linked to the earth through the power cord. Convention dictates that the ground potential will be 0 volt. 2023 But the sports comedy is grounded in jarring realism as Brady and former Patriots like Rob Gronkowski, Danny Amendola and Julian Edelman don their old jerseys for a cinematic reenactment of the nail-biting game. What is ground The ground is generally used as a reference potential from which other potentials can be measured. Text By Yinuo Shi, The New Yorker, 11 Jan. 2023 Cohen’s praxis is grounded in the belief that the relationship between the director and the participant should constantly be examined-and working with her family for the first time required her to change her approach. 2023 The Last of Us are unlikely to think the show is grounded in much reality. 2023 Organizational psychologists have developed assessments that are more fair and grounded in research. Rolling Stone Culture Council, Rolling Stone, 28 Mar. 2023 Also, staying grounded in my intention keeps me going. Sam Russek, The New Republic, But this promotion is grounded in a specific set of social norms guiding an economic activity.

Recent Examples on the Web But restoring a left-liberal beachhead in Texas will require more effort than stateside Democrats have recently seemed willing to expend, as well as new ideas, grounded in the interests of the working class today, to effect necessary change in the years to come.